Conversation Starters

Here are some images designed to help you talk with your friends about the difference that knowing Jesus makes in your life.

Print them out, store them on your phone or share them over social media.  But make sure you engage in conversation with the people you share these with.

After your conversation, you might ask "Would you like to read more of the Bible with me?  Together we could explore how God wants to help us".


The news is filled with items that generate fear. Right now the major fear is the Corona Virus.  Tomorrow it will be something else. How should people respond to the barrage of bad news?

In preparation for using this card, watch this 2 minute video.

Then think about the difference that knowing the God is always with you makes. Here are some sentence starters:

  • There was a time when I was really afraid...... and then I realised.....................
  • When things seem to be going wrong I remind myself ..................
  • One of the biggest struggles I've faced is .........................

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God is our refuge



In preparation for using this card read Romans 7:15-25

Then think about the difference that knowing the Jesus makes in your relationships. Here are some sentence starters:

  • I think the thing which keeps me from showing love all the time is ...............(summarize Romans 7:15-25)
  • I used to........................ but lately I've been able to ....................... because......................................
  • I think we all struggle with showing love because.................  One thing that is helping me show love more consistantly is ...............

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