Discovering Spiritual Leadership

Leaders need to continue to grow in character and skill

Leaders Discussing Bible

 How do you help your leaders develop the character and skills they need to lead a multiplying network of Discovery Bible Studies?

The questions they bring to Scripture are influenced by the needs of the groups they lead.

We are finding these topics, passages and questions effective in training our leaders.

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Leaders Call Others to Follow Christ

Matthew 4:18-25

Leaders Teach Attitudes God Blesses

Matthew 5:1-16

Leaders Teach Attitudes God Blesses

Matthew 6:25-34

Leaders Seek to Please God

Matthew 6:1-8; 16-18

Leaders Serve God

Matthew 6:19-34

Leaders Judge Righteously

Matthew 7:1-6

Leaders Judge Righteously

Matthew 18:15-20

Leaders Seek God

Matthew 7:7-12

Leaders Obey God

Matthew 7:21-29

Leaders Care for Outcasts and Sinners

Matthew 9:9-13

Leaders Teach, Preach, and Heal

Matthew 9:35-38

Leaders Send People Out

Matthew 10:1-16

Leaders Prepare for Persecution

Matthew 10:16-31

Leaders Offer Rest to the Weary

Matthew 11:25-30

Leaders Teach About the Kingdom

Matthew 13:1-9;18-23

Leaders Accept the Cost

Matthew 16:13-28

Leaders Listen to Jesus

Matthew 17:1-13

Leaders Teach About Faith

Matthew 17:14-21

Leaders Deal with Sin

Matthew 18:15-35

Leaders Honour Marriage

Matthew 19:3-9

Leaders are Servants

Matthew 20:20-28

Leaders Meet Needs Because of their Compassion

Matthew 20:29-34

Leaders Invest Faithfully

Matthew 25:14-30

Leaders Serve Those in Need

Matthew 25:31-46

Leaders Teach Others to Obey

Matthew 28:16-20     


Look Back

  1. What are you thankful for this week?
  2. What are you struggling with and how can we help?
  3. How are the people in your group(s) going? 
  4. Take time to praise God  and pray for the needs 
  1. How did you put into practice what we studied last time we met
  2. Who have you talked with about God or who have you prayed with lately?  What did God do?
  3. What needs have you met in the community since the last time we met?

Look Up

  1. Read the title for this discussion. 
  2. Ask someone to read the passage one paragraph at a time. 
  3. Have a group member tell it in their own words.
  4. Ask the group if they added anything or left anything out. 
  5. When you finish with ALL paragraphs, ask someone in the group to tell the WHOLE story by memory. Have the group correct any errors. 
  6. What does this passage tell us about God? 
  7. What does this passage tell us about people? 
  8. How does this passage relate to the title for this discussion?

Look Forward

  1. How could we apply this Scripture: Is there a Sin to avoid, Promise to claim, Example to follow, Commandment to obey? 
  2. How can this passage help you lead your group(s)?
  3. Who will you tell what your learned today?  What will you tell them?
  4. What needs can we meet in the community this week?
  5. When do you want to meet again?