I've known Krish* for more than two years. My wife and I have attempted to help him keep his marriage together. But two months ago his wife moved out, taking their daughter with her.
Krish* no longer needed such a large apartment, so he moved out of our neighbourhood and into a shared flat closer to work.
We've kept in touch with the entire family. After all, they are our friends.
This is all new territory to me. What do I say to them?
Tonight we are having a Discovery Bible Study for two families at a restaurant. We've known the wives since they were in primary school and meet for Bible study about every two months.
One husband in not a Christian and his wife seldom goes to church.
Last night I had a most unexpected Bible study with Adil*.
It was unexpected because I was stopping by Reyansh's apartment to invite him to my birthday party and I expected him to be alone. I knew his wife and children were in India visiting relatives. I didn’t know that Reyansh* had taken in a temporary boarder.
Adil was cooking dinner and asked if I’d like a parantha. I love Indian food so I gladly accepted.
I am trying a new approach. I call it a Focus Group.
This year we have been building relationships with the Asian Indians in our neighbourhood. Most of them are Hindus. We have enjoyed many parties and a few trips out of the city together.
Last month, as part of my wife's birthday party, I asked if they would like to try an experiment and get together for a Focus Group. I told them the topic would be "Finding Balance in Life".
My wife and I have become friends with some people in the Indian community. We've celebrated birthdays together, gone on a trip to the beach and even held a pool party at a neighbours home.
For me, the jump from social friendship to a Discovery Bible Study seemed too big. Yes, some of us have moved from Casual Conversation to Meaningful Conversation and even to Spiritual Conversation. But I don't think the group is ready to move to regular Jesus Conversations.
Last week we took a passage to our Discovery Bible Study groups that they found really confusing.
My wife had been to a conference where the speaker unpacked John 21:15-22. The talk had a great impact on her and Chris thought the issues addressed were very relevant for our three groups.
The problem is that they did not have enough background to understand the passage (it is at the end of this email)
My friends think I am an APE (Apostolic Prophet Evangelist).
I gladly accept the first two letters. As an Apostle I identify with the slogan from StarTrek: 'to boldly go where noone has gone before' (my paraphrase). As a Prophet I am quite willing to put forth unpopular views when I am convinced they are right.
I'm not so sure about Evangelist. I am often with non-Christians talking about Jesus, but I think my gift of teaching is stronger. That would make me an APT.