Bi-lingual Tracts
With bi-lingual tracts you can build a bridge of understanding:
- You can share with people who speak your language poorly. When they don’t know your word they can look at the text in their heart language and understand the full meaning of what you are talking about.
- The people you share with can tell others the Gospel in their heart language.
Culturally sensitive
One size does not fit all. The people in your city may have different ways of thinking. We’ve asked the cultural experts – the overseas national staff of Campus Crusade for Christ – to send us the tract they use in sharing the Gospel. We then translate this into your language, preserving the cultural adaptations.
Did you know?
- The arrows in Law 2 in the French tract are curved. Not only do we fail to reach God, but we are going the wrong way.
- The Somali tract says that "trying to reach God on your own effort is like milking a she camel onto a sand dune".
- On the page with two circles, the German tract says that Jesus is either in the center of your life, or on the edge (maybe outside).
- The Arabic tract spends a whole page explaining how Jesus was born and why we call Him the Son of God.
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Bi-lingual Pages
Everyone has seen a pages stapled together. In many places these page editions are a lot easier to share than a booklet. Stuff them in your notebook with your other papers and wait for God to open doors to share what you found on the internet.
Printed Booklets
I've used printed booklets at Medical Clinics in rural Thailand. Patients can read the tract at the clinic and then put it in their pocket so they can share with the rest of their family when they get home -- Chris
Tracts for my country
We specialize the contact information at the end of each tract so that new Christians can get in contact with the Cru Network people in their country.
We have special English bi-lingual editions for:
Bi-lingual Tracts with Pictures
Want to demonstrate that you are interested in another person's culture? These tracts include images that will allow you to explore another person's culture while you talk about Jesus. Try these tracts on your phone or tablet.
Bi-lingual Tracts in Other Languages
We have bi-lingual tracts for areas where English is not spoken. Consider these: